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My current camera is the Sony Alpha 3000, which I purchased at the National Camera Exchange. I would highly recommend it! Great for beginners, the camera's basic features and help tutorials (which you can see at the click of a button) make it easy for even the least tech savvy. Once you get the hang of using the different settings, you can take some really great pics without breaking the bank.

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A Minimalist Guide To Exercise

Hi friends. :)

So I've been trying to write more articles on how you can incorporate minimalism into all areas of your life. Today I was inspired to talk about something most people overlook when going minimalist: exercise.

It's good for you, fun, and a necessary part of creating a healthy lifestyle.

Just a little disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. Before you start any type of physical exercise you should consult your doctor.

So why don't most people exercise?

The same reasons why people avoid doing any other thing: it's hard, it takes commitment, and it is something most of us aren't quite sure about.

We aren't sure how often we should do it. We are afraid of hurting ourselves. And biggest of all (at least for me) we aren't sure WHAT we should do.

I just read a book called The Exercise Cure. It's by a real doctor, and it talks about, you guessed it - exercise. It all about exercise, how often you should do it, what you should do, and the health benefits of gettin' your sweat on.

You can read it too. It has tons of information about different medical conditions and how you can use exercise to prevent, control, or even get rid of all types of ailments.

But if you don't have the time or you just aren't big on reading books that are sciencey (that's definitely not a word), I can summarize it for ya.

1. Exercise is good for you.

2. You should do some form of exercise everyday.

3. You should know your limits and try not to push them too hard.

4. With a healthy diet, hydration, plenty of sleep, and regular exercise you should feel happier, slimmer, relaxed, energized, and healthier.

So how do we make exercise minimalist?

We keep it fun and as simple as possible.

There are a few options for you since everyone is different and has different goals in mind.

Option #1: For those who want to take it easy:

You don't have a set goal in mind. You just want to be a little healthier and happier. You probably aren't worried about losing weight or becoming a bodybuilder. You are awesome, and just want to make a life a little awesomer (that's definitely not a word either, but hey, life is short).

What you can do:


-Bike rides


-Yard work

How often you should do it:

You don't have to go on a bike ride everyday or even a walk. Really as long as you do some light stretching or breathing exercises everyday you are good. I suggest doing one of the activities listed at least three times a week. It will be helpful though to make sure you have specific times and days that you plan on doing your exercise, because establishing a set routine will help keep you motivated.

Option #2: For those who want to lose a little weight and/or tone up:

You have a clear goal. Maybe you have a certain amount of weight to lose or a mile time to beat. You aren't looking to run a marathon, but maybe a 5k. You want to be stronger tomorrow than you were yesterday.

What you can do:


-Bike rides


-Yard work





How often you should do it:

I suggest doing some walking, gentle yoga, or yard work everyday. Stretching and breathing exercises are great too. Bike rides, jogging, running, swimming or Pilates can be done up to five times a week. Be sure to listen to your body and take breaks from harder exercise for a couple days a week.

Option #3: For those who want to get ripped:

You want to get strong. You want to lose a significant amount of weight and/or get in some serious shape. Maybe you are training for a high school/college sports team. You are ready to be committed to becoming your best you.

What you can do:


-Bike rides


-Yard work






-Weight training

-HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

How often you should do it:

First of all, I want to say that if you are going to start doing some serious work, you want to look at how much you are currently doing. Be smart - don't go from complete couch potato to Olympic athlete. Because it doesn't work that way. You will probably burn yourself out or get hurt. I suggest (your doctor will tell you this too) try starting at option #1, then when you are ready progress to option #2 and finally this last option. I don't want you to get sent to the ER. When you are ready, make sure you are at least walking, bike riding, stretching, doing yoga or yard work everyday. Days off should still be spent doing something. Jogging, running, swimming or Pilates can be done five to six days a week. Sprinting, weight training, or HIIT can be done three to four days a week to start. I currently do yoga and Pilates everyday and HIIT six days a week. I also do some type of ab work everyday. I'm trying to do more weight training (around two - three times a week).

Too complicated for you?

I know that it can be hard to keep track of everything. Let me explain how I make it easy:

I follow the Blogilates calendar for my everyday workouts. I suggest that if you are like me and don't like/don't have time for a lot of planning ahead, find someone you like to workout with on Youtube and follow their program. I also do Yoga With Adriene. I will usually do her morning and night yoga sequences everyday. If I feel like it, I will run a mile or two or even walk. I also go on a bike ride at least once a week.

Follow exercise routines that don't require a lot or any equipment, such as body weight training.

Really, don't worry about doing everything perfectly. Just do what you can, as often as you can. Listen to your body, take breaks as needed and don't buy a ton of unneeded equipment. Drink enough water, remember to breath, eat a salad once in a while, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, for goodness sakes.

Lots of Love,


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