Minimalist Spring Cleaning Challenge - Day 1 - Clothes
Hi Guys!
Long time, no see!
I think the last time I posted was in January?? Life has gotten to be a little crazy with track practice starting, along with my piano recital coming up, a handful of track meets, a clarinet solo competition, finals, church, band, youth group.....
But hey, at least it's nice outside!!!
Spring cleaning is a must for me, if I don't do it, I feel like life starts to fall apart. Through my journey of attempting to become minimalist (which I'm not even close yet) I have had some ups and downs. I have been in the down lately. My stuff has piled up and more things have made their way into my room.
So, don't expect a post everyday, but I will try my best to post often. I hope you will follow me along with this challenge I created. Find 10 days with a few hours available for cleaning out all of the junk in your house. Spread out the days too, I know that I will need to.
I was really excited about getting rid of all my unused clothes. I still have to sort out what I want to sell, donate, and throw away, which I will do later today.
Do you remember that picture? It's from my first blog post when I used the Kon Mari method to fold my clothes (and I still do).
I started with about 45 items in this drawer. I now have 25. Boom.
The closet in the after doesn't look that different, but let me tell you, the stuff was really crammed in the back behind the doors. I had 2 boxes full of clothes too that I didn't want to get rid of, but wasn't really wearing. Since becoming more ruthless, I have several non-clothing items I also want to get rid of. Now that the 2 boxes have been emptied, I have put the other items in there for a while to see if I miss any of it. If after a month or so I still haven't changed my mind, the boxes will be emptied again.
Like I said before, it doesn't look that different, but it really is. Notice how before there weren't any leftover hangers? See the 20 or so hangers now that are not used? Everything is way less crammed in now.
I'm sure you're just itching to see the amount of clothes I got rid of.
2 big garbage bags full, yo.
Lots of Love,