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My Pick:

My current camera is the Sony Alpha 3000, which I purchased at the National Camera Exchange. I would highly recommend it! Great for beginners, the camera's basic features and help tutorials (which you can see at the click of a button) make it easy for even the least tech savvy. Once you get the hang of using the different settings, you can take some really great pics without breaking the bank.

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25 Days of Blogmas: Day 6 - DIY Hot Chocolate Bar

My posts are not gonna be in the order listed, but oh well. I sometimes get a little too ahead of myself.

My favorite hot beverage is tea. I love ginger tea especially. I like english breakfast, chai, and chamomile too.

But during Christmas? I tend to take a break from the tea and swap it for smooth and creamy hot chocolate.

My favorite part of the hot chocolate is when you get to the bottom and there are half melted chocolate chips that didn't mix in. I like to call it chocolate soup. Delish.

For my youth group Christmas Partay I had a hot chocolate bar:

What is a hot chocolate bar you ask. Well, let me tell you all about it.

It is (in my opinion) one of the greatest ideas I have ever heard of. A cornucopia of carmel, chocolates, and candies. A selection of syrups and sweets. A mashup of many marshmallows. Whoever came up with this is a genius, and thinks exactly like me. Bringing together a ton of different sugary items and conveniently putting them in a buffet-style set up for easy access to add to your hot chocolate? I like the person that came up with this. Thank you for bringing this into my life.

Here's a list of suggested items to include in your hot chocolate bar to make it super awesome:



Cake stands or cute plates

Christmasy decorations or signs

Table runner


Christmasy mugs




Candy canes

Hot chocolate mix

Marshmallows (different kinds)

Chocolate chips (different kinds)



Mint chips

Butterscotch chips




Salted Caramel

The gals thought the hot chocolate bar was super fun! We had cookies in the dining room to eat while we sipped our hot chocolate.


Lots of Love,


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